Sunday, June 20, 2010

If it isn't your job, zip it up!

Take a look around you. Peer beyond the walls of your box & into your neighbors'. Can you see what they're doing? Do you know exactly what he/she is typing into their computer?

Chances are, you'll see an open window, internet or office, & that's about it. You might recognize the Facebook window popping up once a while. Or that Yahoo messenger buzzing a few times in a minute. But you don't actually see what's really been running on their machine 8-5. (Unless of course you're in the same class as Mr. Dense! Refer this)

So, can you say you know your colleagues job beyond their said work scope? Do you know exactly how many percentage their contribution towards completing, say, a report or even a proposal? Do you know precisely if that junior sitting across your cubicle has lesser or easier job to do, or that senior who constantly check up on you has a tougher job to handle?

Now put on your thinking cap & give it a deep thought. Chances are, you don't know exactly what that person you're scrutinizing is doing day in & day out. You can't represent that person in promoting or demoting them to anyone because YOU JUST DON’T KNOW!

So I was naturally pissed when a colleague who was getting all chummy with the new boss started practically listing down for him about who does this or that at the office when she doesn’t know all the details. This person really rubbed it to my face by even stating to the boss about how LITTLE my contribution towards a certain project is. I HAVE BEEN WORKING ON THAT PROJECT FOR THE PAST 3 YEARS. I HAVE BEEN PROMOTED BASE ON THAT PROJECT.

To all workers out there, please don't try to outrank your peers by talking (shitting actually) your way through.

If it isn't your job, zip it up!

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