Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Otak Kecik.

Hari ni menyesal bace ohbulan.com. Why the hell did I visit that blog in the 1st place? I broke my vow of gossip web/blog abstinence. I'm ashame of myself. I regret it & will deffinitely do some soul cleansing by doing some thinking & self-reflection.

I did get 1 good thing out of reading the so-called entertainment blog. Not particularly good actually, but good for the thought.

I realised that there is so many orang-orang otak kecik yang menggelar diri mereka Muslim di Malaysia ni. PATHETIC... & sad :-(

So what do I mean by otak kecik? It's the complete opposite of open mindedness. They think that their religious knowledge is so good/high level, that they go hating on people just because that person is not in their circle of orang-orang otak kecik. Tolong lah jangan tunjuk pandai wahai orang-orang yang perasan diri tu alim.

Alim tu maksudnya berilmu. Kalau ilmu agama tu setakat "diwarisi" dari nenek moyang yang turut menggelar diri mereka Muslim, baik just zip your mouth. Refer these Surah if you don't get what I mean: 6:116, 5:104 & 17:36.

Tu lah dia orang alim kucing. Berkata-kata seolah bernas, tapi nas apa dia pakai? Nak kata dia berfikir dulu sebelum cakap, tak kan sedangkal tu pendapat yang dilontarkan. I can just twist their words, pastu mula lah menggelabah sebab hasil pertuturan tu tak ada bukti. Kan dah pening?

Kalau tak tahu, jangan cakap. Kalau tak tahu, sila bertanya. Dah lah alim kucing, bodoh sombong pula tu. Orang-orang macam inilah yg hidup dalam alam kayangan asyik dengan kisah konon-konon nya Islam masih gemilang di hari ini. Mereka ni lah yang menyumbang kepada kejatuhan Islam itu sendiri sebab mereka TAK BUAT APA-APA yet claim to be a Muslim because they pray tunggang terbalik 5 kali sehari semalam.


Wahai orang-orang yang merasakan diri mereka serba cukup, tak sedar kah sekarang kita dalam keadaan jahil? Tak percaya? Cuba tengok kondisi diri tu, lepas tu, tengok pula kondisi masyarakat sekeliling? Tak jahil begitu? Tolong jangan perasan alim!!!

p/s: Remind me to write about open mindedness & how a lot of these "modern" people wrongly interpret the term.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


A few weeks ago, I was hooked on celebrity gossip sites. My 5 favourites are ohbulan, beautifulnara & rotikaya for my local celebrity dish and as for a dose of Hollywood, I go to TMZ & x17online. I log on to these sites without fail. I was addicted. I wanted to know everything that happens is Lala Land.

However, I got sick of it. I can’t blame it on the celebrities. I can’t expect them to live a role model life. Most of them are low lifers with hardly any intelligence but gifted with good looks & bad-ass attitude. The ones worth idolizing, you won’t find on these sites. If you don’t create a mess, you don’t create a headline. You’ll be considered a total bore.

Confession: I go to these sites because I want to know who’s having it bad so that I could get a good laugh & thank my parents for making me work hard at school.

I’ve been 2 weeks sober of any celebrity gossip sites. I don’t plan to go back. I don’t even have the urge to. Why? Bad writing & even worse comment posts. I could handle the terrible reporting, but add the hundreds of idiotic comments from other readers, I blew up! Most of the comments rage me on. I felt angry. Then I felt stupid. Stupid cause after a while I realized that I was made angry my anonymous people that are most probably as dumb as the celebrities they’re berating themselves.

I pulled the plug. No more visits to these sites.

I transferred my blog reading hobby to a different site. An anti-MLM site, aididmuaddib.blogspot.com. Educational & entertaining at the same time. As always, I love reading the comment post from readers. There always seem to be a small battle between the anti-MLMers versus the pro-MLMers. Shear entertainment.

A lot of “negative” comments state how much they despise the writing style. I’ve no objection with his style of writing. He is frank, honest & yes, obnoxiously rude. He has the biggest collection of cuss words. I don’t cuss. My parents don’t teach me that way. I’m also not influenced by friends to speak that way. Abah kata orang yang cakap guna bahasa kasar ni, LOW CLASS. So is the writer low class to me? I’ve no idea. He’s a phantom. But he sure makes it look that way, doctor or not. But then again, I also despise people who sweet talk their way around. If you have sugar pouring out of your mouth, you’re likely to be camouflaging a bad taste there.
Yesterday, however, I got sick of the readers’ comments. How on earth did that happen?

1. The pro-MLMers keep typing in the same statements over & over again. Not just to one article, but all articles! Same arguments, same defense, without even coming up with anything factual.

2. The pro-AIDIDers are doing the same thing. The difference, they’re smarter than the pro-MLMers, so they do come up with factual arguments. But it’s getting lame. They too, cuss like a sailor & get overly emotional. Guys, you’re anonymous, for goodness sake. Tak payah laa marah-marah tak tentu pasal! Gelak je, pihak lawan pasti lebih sakit hati.

3. The presence of so-called innocent readers who are” just starting to learn”. That kind of charm, don’t work on me, girl. I can spot an actress from a mile away. So pretentious. I have a feeling this nutcracker is going to be around for sometimes.

All 3 reasons killed the mood & my anxiety to wait for a new post by the writer. I’ll take a break from that blog for a while. I’m going to give it some time to change the game play. But will it? Aduhhh..

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

My Parents Said;

1. Don't say anything if your words are going to make you sound like a drunk. Incoherent speeches are just a waste of time. You won't be able to get your message across & your audience aren't going to take you seriously. Ever heard of the phrase: "Cakap tu biarlah bernas.."
Nas really stands for Quran verses. So, meaning, when you speak, do it with knowledge.
2. Never argue with a drunk. Drunks don't understand what they themselves are saying. So, no, they won't understand a word you're saying.
3. If you want to sound smart when arguing, use a spell checker.. Done that? Now get a dictionary so that you use the correct words for your arguments. Or else, again, you won't be taken seriously.
Yes, this post is dedicated to NURUL.